Saturday, October 11, 2008


Title of Article: Application of Web 2.0 Tools in Medical Librarianship to Support Medicine 2.0
Author: Vahideh Zarea Gavgani and V. Vishwa Mohan
URL: Webology, volume 5, Number 1, March 2008


The article discussed the stages of transformation of three medical library services. These services are: the conventional services which included the Circulation and Reference services; the neo-conventional services such as Current Awareness Services, Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) Services, Inter-Library Loan (ILL) Services, Referral Services, Document Delivery Services, Reprographic Services, Translation Services, and Documentation Services; and the non conventional methods, the application of web 2.0 technologies like the medical blogs, wikis, slide shares and video shares, really simple syndication (RSS) and folksonomy.

Three things I learned from my reading assignments:

1. The transformation of conventional, to neo-conventional and to non-conventional medical library services.
2. The importance and uses of web 2.0 technologies in medical libraries.
3. The role played by the librarian 2.0 in medical libraries.

Implications on me and my work.

The development of Library 2.0, a newly coined concepts of medicine 2.0 and Health 2.0, and the application of Web 2.0 technologies initiated by the Librarian 2.0. will serve as a pattern to continue what has been done and to start other technologies and services applicable in my workplace...

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