Saturday, October 11, 2008


Title of Article: Library 2.0: RSS Feeeds Dynamic Uses for Special Libraries
Author: Lauris G. Hart
Title of Article: You Tube and Libraries: it could be a beautiful relationship
Author: Paula L. Weber


You Tube is the most popular internet television or video distribution site. Anyone with an internet connection can upload video clips and share with your families, relatives and friends abroad.

If you want to to benefit this tool for your library simply create a you tube account at Enter the name, information, history and services offered in your library. You can make films of various library services. It can be a method of introducing resources that are available in the library. You could create tutorials to teach your library users on how to use databases you have in the library.


Blogs are simple and efficient way for librarians to stay informed anf for libraries to disseminate information in a timely manner.

Libraries are using blogs as away to share information, to encourage feedback from their patrons, to highlight services or new materials, and more. Real or approachable to your users. Some libraries use blog created an online training program for library staff to encourage the to encourage them to experiment and learn about new and emerging technologies.


Librarians who are facing tight budgets and reduces staff must find innovative ways to provide value added services for their libraries. RSS feeds can be used via the library website. These feed can be used to deliver web content to targeted user groups who have specific information needs. This information may include updated guidelines, current awareness news, table of contents, podcasts for continuing education, research articles on specific topics, library news , the latest library books, and organizational reports and information.

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